Underlining the special importance of designing and implementing incentive measures in reaching the objectives of the Convention, especially in regard to the sustainable use of biological diversity, as well as in removing negative impacts on biodiversity,
Recognizing the importance of incentive measures for other cross-cutting issues, such as access to genetic resources and the fair and equitable sharing of benefits arising from their utilization,
Underlining the need for cooperation and collaboration of international organizations in efforts to assist Governments in designing and implementing incentive measures,
1.Takes note with appreciation of the progress made in the implementation of the programme of work on incentive measures, established in decision V/15 of the fifth meeting of the Conference of the Parties;
2.Endorses the proposals for the design and implementation of incentive measures and the recommendations for further cooperation on incentive measures, contained respectively in annexes I and II to the present decision, as far as they are consistent with Parties' national policies and legislation as well as their international obligations;
3.Invites Parties to take these proposals into consideration when designing and implementing incentive measures for conservation and sustainable use of biological diversity;
4.Recognizes that further work has to be undertaken on positive incentives and their performance, as well as on perverse incentives and ways and means for their removal or mitigation;
5.Encourages Parties and relevant organizations to submit case-studies, lessons learned and other relevant information on incentive measures, especially on positive and perverse incentives, to the Executive Secretary;
6.Requests the Executive Secretary to continue compiling and disseminating the information on incentive measures submitted by Parties and organizations, through the clearing-house mechanism of the Convention and other means;
7.Also requests the Executive Secretary, in collaboration with relevant organizations, to elaborate proposals for the application of ways and means to remove or mitigate perverse incentives, for consideration by the Subsidiary Body for Scientific, Technical and Technological Advice at a meeting prior to the seventh meeting of the Conference of the Parties;
8.Requests Parties, Governments, international and other relevant organizations to provide financial support for the programme of work on incentive measures, taking into consideration the specific circumstances of countries, in particular small island developing States and countries with economies in transition.