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This National Energy and Climate Plan (NECP) has been drawn up to perform the requirement laid down in Article 9(1) of Regulation (EU) 2018/1999 on the Governance of the Energy Union and Climate Action. It is a 10-year nationwide multi-sectoral document aiming at (i) designing and planning the cost-effective policies and measures that will help to achieve the medium- and long-term national energy and climate goals; (ii) contributing to the economic development of the country; and (iii) responding to the challenge of other environmental goals. The main goals set out by the NECP are (i) reduce greenhouse gas emissions, increase the participation of Renewable Energy Sources in domestic energy consumption and achieve end-use energy savings in final energy consumption; (ii) enhance energy supply security; (iii) strengthen the competitiveness of Cyprus economy; (iv) protect consumers while strengthening their role in the energy system; (v) set up and operate a competitive internal energy market.
To make agriculture more sustainable, the sector shall contribute to greenhouse gas mitigation and sequestration.
To increase the resilience of livelihoods to disasters, the Plan's main interventions envisage to (i) achieve a reduction of greenhouse gas emissions of 24% by 2030 compared to 2005; (ii) monitor the emission levels for relevant pollutants; (iii) achieve a balance between greenhouse gas emissions and removals; (iv) develop and implement the National Adaptation Strategy to Climate Change; (v) reduce waste, increase in separate collection, reuse and recycling, and significantly reduce the amount of waste that is landfilled; (vi) achieve a climate-neutral EU by 2050, in line with the objectives of the Paris Agreement, preserving meantime the Cyprus competitiveness; (vii) increase the sectoral share of renewable energy in final energy consumption from 2021 to 2030 in the electricity, heating and cooling, and transport sector; (viii) reach the Union s 2030 energy efficiency target reducing both final and primary energy consumption; (ix) increase the diversification of energy sources and supply from third countries for the purpose of increasing the resilience of regional and national energy systems; (x) increase research, innovation and competitiveness in the energy sector; (xi) promote clean energy technologies and bioenergy.
Integrated National Energy and Climate Plan.
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