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The Conference of the Parties,
Recalling Article 7, paragraph 4, of the Convention,
Also recalling United Nations General Assembly resolution 40/243 of 18 December 1985 on the pattern of conferences,
Further recalling rule 22, paragraph 1, of the draft rules of procedure being applied regarding the rotation of the office of President among the five regional groups,
I. - Dates and venues of future sessions
A. - 2020
1.Accepts with appreciation the offer of the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland to host the twenty-sixth session of the Conference of the Parties, the sixteenth session of the Conference of the Parties serving as the meeting of the Parties to the Kyoto Protocol and the third session of the Conference of the Parties serving as the meeting of the Parties to the Paris Agreement from Monday, 9 November, to Friday, 20 November 2020;
2.Welcomes the partnership of the Government of the United Kingdom with the Government of Italy, which will host the preparatory events for the sessions;
3.Requests the Executive Secretary to continue consultations with the Government of the United Kingdom and to negotiate and finalize a Host Country Agreement for convening the sessions, in conformity with United Nations General Assembly resolution 40/243 and in compliance with the provisions of United Nations administrative instruction ST/AI/342, with a view to concluding and signing the Host Country Agreement no later than the fifty-second sessions of the subsidiary bodies (June 2020) so as to allow for its prompt implementation;
4.Also requests the Executive Secretary to provide the host country with technical support and guidance on UNFCCC policies and requirements, taking into account the issues raised by Parties regarding the organization of such sessions, and to report back regularly to the Bureau;
B. - 2021
5.Notes that, in keeping with the principle of rotation among the regional groups, the President of the twenty-seventh session of the Conference of the Parties, the seventeenth session of the Conference of the Parties serving as the meeting of the Parties to the Kyoto Protocol and the fourth session of the Conference of the Parties serving as the meeting of the Parties to the Paris Agreement would come from the African States;
6.Invites Parties to undertake further consultations on the hosting of the sessions referred to in paragraph 5 above;
7.Requests the Subsidiary Body for Implementation, at its fifty-second session, to consider the issue of the host of the sessions referred to in paragraph 5 above and to recommend a draft decision on the matter for consideration and adoption by the Conference of the Parties at its twenty-sixth session (November 2020);
II. - Calendar of meetings of the Convention, Kyoto Protocol and Paris Agreement bodies
8.Adopts the following dates for the sessional periods in 2024:
(a)First sessional period: Monday, 3 June, to Thursday, 13 June;
(b)Second sessional period: Monday, 11 November, to Friday, 22 November.