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The Conference of the Parties
1.Takes note of the report set out in the note by the Secretariat on the review of the effectiveness of the procedure under paragraph 2 (b) of Article 3 of the Stockholm Convention on Persistent Organic Pollutants, and of the conclusions contained therein;11UNEP/POPS/COP.9/8, annex.
2.Concludes that there is a need to enhance the effectiveness of the procedure under paragraph 2 (b) of Article 3 of the Stockholm Convention through the increased provision of information related to the procedure and on the status of those Parties that have consented to be bound by the Convention and by the amendments to its annexes;
3.Recalls that Parties wishing to export chemicals listed in Annex A or B to the Stockholm Convention to a State not party to the Convention, as defined in paragraph 2 (d) of Article 3 of the Convention, must transmit to the Secretariat the certification from the importing State as required by paragraph 2 (b) (iii) of Article 3 of the Convention, using the revised certification template adopted for that purpose;22UNEP/POPS/COP.8/32, annex III.
4.Requests the Secretariat to undertake awareness-raising activities, subject to the availability of resources, concerning the procedure and the revised certification format for export to a State not party to the Stockholm Convention referred to in paragraph 3 of the present decision;
5.Decides to review the effectiveness of the procedure set out in paragraph 2 (b) of Article 3 of the Stockholm Convention at its eleventh meeting;
6.Invites Partiesto continue to share through the Secretariat any information relevant to the implementation ofparagraph 2 (b) (iii) of Article 3 of the Stockholm Convention and the review of its effectiveness, including any challenges that they might be facing in this regard;
7.Requests the Secretariat to prepare, subject to the availability of resources, a report on the effectiveness of the procedure set out in paragraph 2 (b) of Article 3 of the Stockholm Convention, based on Party reports submitted pursuant to Article 15 of the Convention, certifications from exporting Parties pursuant to paragraph 2 (b) (iii) of Article 3 of the Convention and other relevant information, for consideration by the Conference of the Parties at its eleventh meeting.