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Ключевые слова
Illegal traffic, Education
The Conference of the Parties
1.Expresses its appreciation to the small expert group convened to develop a draft instruction manual for the legal profession on the prosecution of illegal traffic;
2.Approves the instruction manual on the prosecution of illegal traffic;11UNEP/CHW.10/12/Add.1.
3.Encourages parties to use the manual to train, as appropriate, prosecutors and the judiciary and to take all practical steps to include relevant elements of the manual in the national training curricula of such enforcement personnel;
4.Requests the Secretariat, subject to the availability of funding, to publish the manual in the six official languages of the United Nations and to organize training activities, in collaboration with the Basel Convention regional and coordinating centres, the secretariats of other multilateral environmental agreements and other international organizations, agencies or programmes;
5.Expresses its appreciation to the European Commission and the Government of Norway for the financial support that they provided for the development and dissemination of the manual.