The Conference of the Parties,
Recalling decisions 2/CP.17, 1/CP.21, 2/CP.22, 16/CP.22, 16/CP.23 and 15/CP.24,
1.Welcomes the annual technical progress report of the Paris Committee on Capacity-building for 20191 and takes note of the recommendations contained therein;1FCCC/SBI/2019/13.
2.Invites Parties, as appropriate, the operating entities of the Financial Mechanism, the constituted bodies under the Convention, United Nations organizations, observers and other stakeholders to consider the recommendations referred to in paragraph 1 above and to take any necessary action, as appropriate and in accordance with their mandates;
3.Welcomes the work of the Paris Committee on Capacity-building in relation to enhancing the coherence and coordination of capacity-building activities under the Convention, including its collaboration with constituted bodies and other actors under the Convention;
4.Also welcomes the collaboration of the Paris Committee on Capacity-building with Parties and non-Party stakeholders, including through the Capacity-building Hub and social media;
5.Takes note of the 2020 focus area of the Paris Committee on Capacity-building of strengthening the coherence and coordination of capacity-building activities for implementing nationally determined contributions.22See document FCCC/SBI/2019/13, para. 38.