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The Conference of the Parties
1.Adopts the revised harmonized form for notification of contacts, as set out in the annex to the present decision;
2.Urges parties to designate focal points and competent authorities, if they have not already done so, using the revised form, and to confirm and provide the Secretariat with updated contact details for existing focal points and competent authorities;
3.Invites States not party to the Convention to designate focal points and competent authorities, if they have not already done so, using the revised form;
4.Requests the Secretariat to maintain and update, as necessary, the list of focal points and competent authorities, and to continue to make the list publicly available on the Basel Convention website.
Annex to decision BC-11/21
Revised form for notification of designation of contact(s)Basel, Rotterdam and Stockholm Conventions
FORM FOR NOTIFICATION OF DESIGNATION OF CONTACT(S)**In the case of notification of multiple contacts, please use one sheet per contact point or include a list as an attachment to this form. See back page for the roles and responsibilities of each type of contact.
Nomination of*:*In the case of notification of multiple contacts, please use one sheet per contact point or include a list as an attachment to this form. See back page for the roles and responsibilities of each type of contact.☐ Basel Convention Focal Point☐ Basel Convention Competent Authority/Authorities☐ Rotterdam Convention Official Contact Point☐ Rotterdam Convention Designated National Authority /Authorities****Parties may designate one or more DNAs in accordance with Article 4 of the Convention and with different responsibilities (e.g. pesticides, industrial chemicals)(if relevant to your country, please provide further information on the scope of the DNA’s mandate/responsibilities...................................................................................................................................................)☐ Stockholm Convention Official Contact Point☐ Stockholm Convention National Focal Point
Kindly note that self-nominations will not be considered. This form should be completed by an entity duly authorized to communicate such information to the Secretariat (such as a permanent mission to the United Nations or a ministry of foreign affairs). The information transmitted shall be included in the official records of the Secretariat as the officially designated country contact(s) for the Basel, Rotterdam and/or Stockholm Conventions.
AddressStreet, numberPostal codeCityProvinceCountry
Telephone numberCountry code – city code – local number
Fax numberCountry code - city code - local number
E-mail address
Name of contact person Title – first name – surnameMr.Ms.
Position of contact person
Please tick as appropriate☐ The above notification is a first-time nomination by the State/organization concerned☐ The above notification is in addition to the previous nomination by the State/organization concerned☐ The above notification is in replacement of the previous nomination by the State/organization concerned
AddressStreet, numberPostal codeCityProvinceCountry
Telephone numberCountry code – city code – local number
Fax number Country code – city code – local number
E-mail address
Date and signature
PLEASE RETURN COMPLETED FORM TO:Secretariat of the Basel, Rotterdam and Stockholm Conventions11–13, Chemin des AnémonesCH–1219 ChâtelaineGenevaSwitzerlandFax: (+41) 22 917 80 98E-mail: contacts [at] brsmeas.orgThe Secretariat will acknowledge receipt of the information transmitted and make it publicly available on the website of the appropriate convention(s).
Contacts under the Basel, Rotterdam and Stockholm conventions: roles and responsibilities
(i) - Basel Convention focal point (Articles 2 and 5)“Focal point” means the entity of a party referred to in Article 5 of the Basel Convention responsible for receiving and submitting information as provided for in Articles 13 and 16.To facilitate the implementation of the Convention, the parties shall:
1.Designate or establish one or more competent authorities and one focal point. One competent authority shall be designated to receive the notification in case of a State of transit.
2.Inform the Secretariat, within three months of the date of the entry into force of this Convention for them, which agencies they have designated as their focal point and their competent authorities.
3.Inform the Secretariat, within one month of the date of the decision, of any changes regarding the designation made by them under paragraph 2 above.
(ii) - Basel Convention competent authority/authorities (Articles 2 and 5)“Competent authority” means one governmental authority designated by a party to be responsible, within such geographical areas as the party may think fit, for receiving the notification of a transboundary movement of hazardous wastes or other wastes, and any information related to it, and for responding to such notification as provided in Article 6.To facilitate the implementation of the Convention, the parties shall:
1.Designate or establish one or more competent authorities and one focal point. One competent authority shall be designated to receive the notification in case of a State of transit.
2.Inform the Secretariat, within three months of the date of the entry into force of this Convention for them, which agencies they have designated as their focal point and their competent authorities.
3.Inform the Secretariat, within one month of the date of the decision, of any changes regarding the designation made by them under paragraph 2 above.
(iii) - Rotterdam Convention designated national authority/authorities (Article 4)Each party shall designate one or more national authorities that shall be authorized to act on its behalf in the performance of the administrative functions required by the Rotterdam Convention.Each party shall, no later than the date of the entry into force of the Convention for it, notify the name and address of such authority or authorities to the Secretariat. It shall notify the Secretariat of any changes in the name and address of such authority or authorities.
(iv) - Rotterdam Convention official contact pointThe Secretariat communicates with an official contact point of a party on such official issues as notices regarding participation in meetings of the Conference of the Parties, circulation of the reports of such meetings, proposals for the addition of chemicals to Annex III of the Convention and for inclusion in the PIC procedure, and the nominations of experts to such subsidiary bodies as the Chemical Review Committee.
(v) - Stockholm Convention official contact point (decision SC-2/16 of the Conference of the Parties)Parties and non-party States are invited to nominate to the Secretariat an official contact point for the performance of administrative functions and all formal communications under the Convention.
(vi) - Stockholm Convention national focal point (Article 9)Each party shall designate a national focal point for the exchange of information as specified under Article 9 of the Convention. Non-party States may also designate such national focal points.