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The Conference of the Parties
1.Takes note of the information on activities carried out by the Secretariat pursuant to decision BC-11/14;11UNEP/CHW.12/14, sect. II.
2.Welcomes the active engagement of the Joint United Nations Environment Programme/Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs Environment Unit, which should work jointly with the Secretariat of the Basel Convention in order to decide on the coordinating role with regard to emergency situations in accordance with the provisions of the Convention;
3.Decides to amend chapter IV of part 1 of the Interim Guidelines for the implementation of decision V/32 on enlargement of the scope of the Technical Cooperation Trust Fund2 in line with the annex to the present decision;2Decision VI/14, appendix.
4.Also decides to amend the section entitled “Role of the Secretariat of the Basel Convention” in chapter III of part 3 of the Interim Guidelines for the implementation of decision V/32 on enlargement of the scope of the Technical Cooperation Trust Fund to read as follows:Role of the Secretariat of the Basel ConventionThe Secretariat of the Basel Convention in advising parties on the preparation and submissions of requests for emergency assistance should consult with the Joint United Nations Environment Programme/Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs Environment Unit and may, if requested, also provide assistance on technical cooperation for the prevention of accidents and damage.”
5.Requests the Secretariat to reflect the amendments adopted in the preceding paragraphs in the text of the Interim Guidelines and make the amended version of the guidelines publicly available;
6.Also requests the Secretariat, subject to the availability of resources, to carry out, in particular, capacity-building activities with relevant partners, such as the Joint United Nations Environment Programme/Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs Environment Unit, relevant to the prevention of incidents and enhancing the preparedness of countries to deal with emergencies caused by transboundary movements of hazardous wastes and other wastes and their disposal, in line with part 3 of the interim guidelines, and as part of the technical assistance programme;
7.Further requests the Secretariat to continue its cooperation and collaboration with the Joint United Nations Environment Programme/Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs Environment Unit;
8.Requests the Secretariat to report to the Conference of the Parties at its thirteenth meeting on the implementation of the present decision.
Annex to decision BC-12/11Amendments to part 1 of the Interim Guidelines for the implementation of decision V/32 so as to enhance effective rapid access to expertise following emergencies by strengthening cooperation with the Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs and the United Nations Environment Programme
The amendments are shown in tracked changes below:
IV. - Implementation of emergency assistance
ProcedureRequests submitted to the secretariat are dealt with promptly.On the basis of the present Interim Guidelines, the Executive Secretary in consultation with the Bureau, using a quick procedure, may provide assistance to a Party to the Convention from the Technical Cooperation Trust Fund.The Executive Secretary will also consult with contributors, especially in cases where contributions to the Trust Fund are earmarked with conditions.Upon receiving a request for emergency assistance, the Secretariat shall consult with
  • consult with experts, through the national focal point, in order to clarify the urgency, the imminence of the threat or the type of measures necessary to be taken for that specific incident;
  • Inform UNEP/OCHA of the incident and seek the services provided by the Joint UNEP/OCHA Environment Unit in offering itsemergency assistance (see details of services provided by UNEP/OCHA further down);
All decisions taken should be reported to the Bureau, the Open-ended Working Group and to the next meeting of the Conference of the Parties.
Task forceA task force may be established to organize the coordination between UNEP/OCHA Environment Unit, the Secretariat of the Basel Convention, and any other relevant organization.[…]
Service provided by UNEP/OCHAThe mandate of UNEP/OCHA is to improve the international response to environmental emergencies by serving as a clearing-house for information and a switchboard for disaster notification, and alerting and acting as a broker between affected and donor countries.The secretariat should use the services provided by the Joint UNEP/OCHA Environment Unit in offering itsemergency assistance. These services could include rapid assessment through international experts, the implementation of emergency measures, and the broker function between the affected country and donor countries that are ready and willing to assist.The secretariat will seek the support of the Joint UNEP/OCHA Environment Unit in particular through its global network of National Focal Points, consisting of governmental organizations responsible for environmental emergencies at the national level, and its other partners worldwide, for the provision of emergency assistance.The secretariat will invite the Joint UNEP/OCHA Environment Unit to cooperate in the preparation of framework contracts with interested national experts in order to create a "stand-by situation", ensuring the immediate operability of an expert in an emergency situation without bureaucratic delay.These stand-by contracts will be consultancy contracts prepared in advance for the stand-by period (e.g. for one/two year(s)). The framework contracts will be at no cost to the organization during the stand-by period, if no actual operation is undertaken.Experts shall be selected according to expertise, language and geographical criteria. Regional centres under the Basel Convention could provide experts on issues pertaining to management of hazardous wastes and other wastes under the Basel Convention. The experts shall be selected by the Executive Secretary of the secretariat of the Basel Convention and nominated to the UNEP/OCHA Joint Environment Unit.A letter of agreementMemorandum of Understanding has been signed between the secretariat of the Basel Convention and the UNEP/OCHA Environmental Unit, identifying the areas and the methodology for cooperation.[…]