تجاوز إلى المحتوى الرئيسي

Objectives: To prevent, abate, and combat pollution of the marine environment from various sources of pollution, such as pollution from ships, pollution caused by dumping from ships and aircrafts, pollution from land-based sources, pollution resulting from exploration and exploitation of the bed of the territorial sea and its subsoil and the continental shelf, pollution from other human activities, co-operation in dealing with pollution Emergencies. The Convention shall apply to the sea area in the Region bounded in the south by the following rhumb lines: from Ras Dharbat Ali in (160 39 / N, 530 3 / 30//E) then to a position in (160 00/ N, 530 25/E) then to a position in (170 00/ N, 560 30/E) then to a position in (200 30/ N, 600 00/E) then to Ras Al Fasteh (250 04 / N, 610 25 / E), referred to as the "Sea Area" (UNEP 2001).

الكلمات المفتاحية:
أراضي رطبة ساحلية, التلوث, المسؤولية البيئية, تنوع بيولوجي بحري, تنوع بيولوجي ساحلي, محمية بحرية
الدخول حيز النفاذ:
آسيا والمحيط الهادئ
عدد الأطراف :