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From this page you can access the resources related to InforMEA API implementation

Implementing an data provider compliant with InforMEA

The InforMEA ecosystem supports two types of protocols to import data from MEAs data providers:


The purpose of the InforMEA API is to establish a communication protocol between InforMEA database and its data providers, the MEAs. Currently, this is a one-way communication, with data retrieval from the MEAs into the InforMEA database. The underlying protocol used to transport data is based on the OData web protocol. Together with our initial MEA contributors we have agreed on the format of the envelope that is defined on top of OData. The specifications for this format are defined on this Google document.

The InforMEA Toolkit

In order to optimize the costs of building an web service on each MEA end, the MEA IKM initiative has funded the development of a software toolkit that allows MEAs to install on their infrastructure and, with a proper configuration, allows exposure of the data via the OData web protocol. In return, InforMEA can harvest this information and index into the website. We have made the implementation open source (distributed under GPL v3 licence) and the source code, packages and documentation is available below.

Harvesting InforMEA data

The InforMEA provides to the interested parties an API endpoint where data can be queried and retrieved using various tools. The endpoint is located at Note: The display of data on third parties websites is subject to an agreement with the IKM project, please contact us for further details.

InforMEA Applet

informea applet

Get the inforMEA applet from here

Status of the data harvesting from MEAs

The toolkit is installed on Currently there are about 14 secretariats who have granted access to their data as web data service, using the OData web protocol. The exposed data consists of:

  1. Decisions - COP/MOP decisions as documents and metadata
  2. Meetings - COP/MOP or other events
  3. Contacts - List of National Focal Points (NFPs)
  4. Parties - Countries that are parties to the Convention

We are regularly harvesting this data and updating the InforMEA index with this data. The status of this harvesting can be found on this Google document.

Terms and Conditions for the Harvesting of InforMEA Data

The toolkit is installed on This site aggregates content from many sources which may be used, downloaded and printed solely for noncommercial purposes and in accordance with this User Agreement, provided that such use does not alter or remove any copyright symbol or other identification concerning authorship of any of the materials contained on or otherwise made available.

The site also provides to the interested parties an API endpoint where data can be queried and retrieved using various tools, on condition that the implementation of this approach is accompanied by the installation of the traceability found at:, which would allow the various content providers of this site to track information on how their data is being used.