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This 14th Five Year Plan of the Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region to Deal with Climate Change is a multi-sectoral plan at the regional level covering the perid of 2021-2025. The Plan comprehensively summarizes the positive progress and achievements made in vigorously promoting the action to cope with climate change in various fields during the 13th five year plan, analyzes the situation faced by the 14th five year plan, and further clarifies the objectives and key tasks of the 14th five year plan for coping with climate change.
According to the Plan, by 2025, Inner Mongolia will initially form a new climate change work pattern that is compatible with ecological civilization construction, coordinated with high-quality development, integrated with ecological environment protection, coordinated with energy conservation and emission reduction, and coordinated with carbon emission peak and carbon neutralization. The carbon emissions of key industries, key areas and key regions will take the lead in reaching the carbon emission peak, the leading role of low-carbon pilot demonstration will be significantly strengthened, the ability to adapt to climate change will be further improved, and the climate change governance system and governance capacity will be effectively enhanced.
To achieve the above goals, the Plan has refined the quantitative objectives and has identified 12 major indicators, determined the target value of the indicators for 2025, and defined the key tasks. The Plan proposes to control greenhouse gas emissions from the following nine key aspects: carrying out carbon emission peak action, building a green and low-carbon industrial system, building a clean and low-carbon modern energy system, strengthening source control of energy conservation, controlling carbon dioxide emissions in key industrial areas, controlling carbon dioxide emissions in urban and rural construction, controlling carbon dioxide emissions in transportation, effectively controlling non carbon dioxide greenhouse gas emissions, and increasing carbon sinks in the ecosystems. To adapt to the impact of climate change, the regioan will carry out the following six key tasks: improving the adaptability of cities, improving the adaptability of agriculture and animal husbandry sector, improving the adaptability of forestry, improving the adaptability of ecologically vulnerable areas, improving the adaptability of people in the field of health, and strengthening the construction of disaster prevention and mitigation system. The regioan will promote regional low-carbon development pilot demonstration from two aspects: promoting regional green development and deepening the construction of low-carbon pilot demonstration.
14th Five Year Plan of the Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region to Deal with Climate Change.
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