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This Act amends the provisions of the Slovenian Animal protection Act (originally published in 1999, republished and amended in 2013, and last amended in the Official Gazette 21/2018).
This text redefines new content and basic principles of article 1 of the original text as follows: This Act sets out the responsibility of humans to protect animals as sentient beings, that is to protect their lives, health and well-being; lays down rules for the good handling of animals; determines what is considered to be torture of animals and what actions or interventions on animals are prohibited; lays down the conditions to be ensured for the protection of animals during rearing and animal husbandry, transport, carrying out certain procedures and procedures on animals, slaughter and killing of animals; regulates the procedure, rights and obligations in cases where they are abandoned animals; regulates non-governmental organizations acting in the public interest in the field of animal protection; regulates the supervision over the implementation of these rules and determines criminal sanctions for violators over its provisions. This Act also regulates the handling of fish, game and hunting dogs, if not regulated by governing fishing, wildlife and hunting regulations otherwise. This Act transposes into the legal order of the Republic of Slovenia several European Union directives as listed.
This text further amends, adds and cancels some contents of articles 5, 17, 20, 21, 23, 24, 26 and 46.
Act amending the Animal protection Act.
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