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This Act seeks to require that companies that sell goods and services on the Dutch market make reasonable efforts to prevent that their products and services are created using child labour (defined in article 2), so that consumers can purchase those goods and services with confidence. The Act refers in the definition of child labour to the Minimum Age Convention, 1973. There shall be a Supervising Agency (Supervisor) for purposes of this Act who shall receive certification of companies who place their products or services on the Dutch market that state that they observe the duty of care regarding child labour as defined in article 5. Companies shall investigate about child labour and if there is a suspicion that child labour is involved, the company shall make an action plan. The Minister may also make a common plan of action. The Supervisor may impose penalties in case of offences.
Act on the introduction of a duty of care in relation to distribution of goods and services prevention of Child Labour originating from child labour (Act on the Duty of Care in relation to Child Labour).
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