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This Act regulates matters in the field of breeding and preservation of genetic resources of livestock, evaluation of utility and genetic value of livestock, keeping herd books and breeding registers, as well as control of breeding and reproduction of animals. The established tasks of livestock breeding and reproduction are performed by the National Animal Breeding Center, which reports to the minister competent for agriculture. The present Act is composed of the following Sections: General provisions (sec. 1); Recognition of breeding societies and breeding enterprises, approval of breeding programs, issuing permits for keeping breeding books and registers, and rules for keeping breeding book and breeding registers (sec. 2); Evaluation of utility and genetic value of livestock (sec. 3); Livestock reproduction (sec. 4); Protection of genetic resources of livestock (sec. 5); Control of livestock breeding and reproduction (sec. 6); Conditions for participation of equine in horse competitions (sec. 7); Criminal provisions (sec. 8); Changing, transitional and final provisions (sec. 9).
Act on livestock breeding.
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