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This Act provides for granting of subsidies by the Minister of Transport, Public Works and Water Management for activities concerning: aviation, air traffic, navigation and maritime policy, water and water infrastructure policy. The Act concerns Ministerial power to issue Regulations for: detailing activities; specifying conditions under which the subsidy is granted; defining obligations of subsidy recipient; the compensation payable upon capital formation; providing information to third parties about the subsidised activities. Further matters concern: reject or withdrawal of an application for granting subsidies; designation of persons responsible for supervising compliance with the obligations imposed on the subsidy recipient.
Consolidated version of the Act, as last amended by the Act published in the State Gazette no. 489 of 09 November 2009.
Act no. BWBR0009196 containing rules on the granting of subsidies by the Minister of Transport, Public Works and Water Management (Framework Act on subsidies for Transport, Public Works and Water Management).
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