This Act, consisting of 10 articles, concerns the reduction of emissions of greenhouse gases, in order to develop and adopt climate policy and plans for the prevention of global warming, the limitation of temperature and climate change and the fulfilment of the binding obligations that the Netherlands has entered into with the Paris Agreement of 2015. The Act defines: renewable energy sources; list of greenhouse gases, according to the European Regulation EU 2018/1999; CO2 neutral electricity production. According to this Act, the climate plan includes: the expected share of renewable energy and the expected savings in primary energy use and targeted measures; a review of the latest scientific insights into climate change mitigation; the development of the technological options for limiting greenhouse gas emissions; a review of global and European developments in the field of climate change mitigation; a consideration of the consequences that the government's climate policy will have on financial position of companies, on education and training of employees, and on the development of the national economy. Further matters covered by this Act include: role of the Netherlands Environmental Assessment Agency and cooperation with the Minister of Economic Affairs and Climate.
Act no. BWBR0042394 of 2 July 2019, containing a framework for developing policy aimed at the irreversible and step-by-step reduction of Dutch greenhouse gas emissions in order to limit global warming and climate change (Climate Act).
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