This Act, in consideration of the article 110 of the Constitution, of the Convention on Access to Information, Public Participation in Decision-making and Access to Justice in Environmental Matters, and of Directive No. 2003/4/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 28 January 2003 regarding public access to environmental information, provides for increasing access to public sector information for everyone, and for promoting active disclosure and administrative transparency in environmental matters. The Act applies to governing bodies, and judiciary and administrative institutions.
Matters covered by the Act include: information disclosure by an administrative body; voluntary disclosure; categories of decisions needed to be made public; disclosure on request; exceptions and limits to disclosure of information in defined cases, including protection of the environment and environmental information; access to non-public information for research purposes; access to digital information; public access in case of serious public interests, including the interest of public safety, public health or the environment; advisory board on publicity and information management and related tasks, including monitoring, investigating and reporting on the disclosure of public information; penalty provisions.
Matters covered by the Act include: information disclosure by an administrative body; voluntary disclosure; categories of decisions needed to be made public; disclosure on request; exceptions and limits to disclosure of information in defined cases, including protection of the environment and environmental information; access to non-public information for research purposes; access to digital information; public access in case of serious public interests, including the interest of public safety, public health or the environment; advisory board on publicity and information management and related tasks, including monitoring, investigating and reporting on the disclosure of public information; penalty provisions.
Consolidated version of the Act, as last amended by the Act of 13th October 2022, published in the Government Gazette no. 444 of 2022.
Act No. BWBR0045754/2021, containing rules on the accessibility of information of public interest (Open Government Act).
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