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This Act provides for measures to promote the improvement of employment management and the rationalization of business carried out by business owners in an integrated manner in order to promote the securing of a forestry labor force, as well as measures for those who newly intend to work in the forestry sector.
The purpose is to take measures to facilitate the employment of forestry workers, thereby contributing to the sound development of the forestry sector and stable employment of forestry workers. The Act consists of 7 Chapters: General Provisions; Basic Policy and Basic Plan; Improvement Measures for Employers; Forestry Workforce Securing Support Centres; Employment Managers; Penal Provisions; Supplementary Provisions.
The Minister of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries and the Minister of Health, Labor and Welfare shall establish the basic policy. Prefectural governors may establish basic plans for promoting the securing of forestry labor force in their prefectures in accordance with the basic policy. Employers shall improve the working environment, improve recruitment methods and other employment management, and mechanize forestry operations.
Act on Promotion of Securing Forestry Labor (Act No. 45 of 1996).
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