This Act regulates the implementation of state and municipal policy in the field of renewable energy sources, sets a binding target for the share of energy from renewable sources in gross final consumption in the Republic of Slovenia and measures to achieve this goal and methods of financing, regulates energy sources. electricity from renewable sources, the use of energy from renewable sources and excess heat in the heating and cooling sector and the transport sector, and informing and training installers Energy from renewable sources means energy from renewable non-fossil sources, namely wind, solar (solar heat and solar photovoltaic sources) and geothermal energy, ambient energy, tidal energy, waves and other marine energy, hydropower and biomass, landfill gas, gas from sewage treatment plants and biogas. This Act regulates the participation of the Republic of Slovenia in the European Union mechanism for financing energy from renewable sources for the implementation of Regulation (EU) 2018/1999 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 11 December 2018 on energy union management and climate action. This Act also transposes certain European Union directives into the legal order of the Republic of Slovenia (see article 2). Article 4 sets binding targets as follows: 1. The share of energy from renewable sources in gross final consumption of energy in the Republic of Slovenia, which represents a contribution to the common achievement of a binding common EU target, shall be determined in the comprehensive national energy and climate plan; 2. The share of energy from renewable sources in the gross final consumption of energy in the Republic of Slovenia may not be less than the initial share of 25%; 3. The production of electricity, gas and heat from renewable energy sources and the construction and takeover of facilities and land necessary for it are in the public interest. Chapter XI sets inspection related provisions; Chapter XII provides for criminal provisions.
Article 53 shall apply from 1 January 2023 (see Article 74), Article 54 shall apply from 1 January 2022 (see Article 75); the first paragraph of Article 59 shall not apply to suppliers of gaseous fuels until the infrastructure for alternative fuels has been established in accordance with the regulation governing alternative fuels (see Article 77), the sixth paragraph of Article 59 shall apply from 31 December 2030 (see Article 78), Article 21 shall come into force 12 months after the entry into force of this Act (see Article 79).
Act on the promotion of the use of renewable energy sources.
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