This Act, consisting of 75 articles divided into six Chapters, aims to contribute to public safety and stable production of livestock products by regulating the production of feeds and feed additives, setting official specifications for feeds, conducting tests of feeds in conformity with the official specifications so as to provide the assured safety and improved quality of feeds. The Minister of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries may establish by MAFF Ordinance the standards for manufacture, use and method for preserving feeds or feed additives and the labeling as well as the specifications for ingredients of feeds and of feed additives in order to prevent possible production of harmful livestock products (domestic animal-derived meats, milk or other edible products that may affect human health, the same shall apply hereinafter) due to use of feeds or feed additives-containing feeds and also in order to prevent production of livestock products (domestic animal-derived products, the same shall apply hereinafter) due to damage to domestic animals, etc. The standards or specifications as provided in Article 3-1 shall always be subject to appropriate scientific judgment and revision, whenever necessary.
Last amendments up to Law No. 74 of 11 June 2003.
Act on Safety Assurance and Quality Improvement of Feeds (Act No. 35 of 1953).
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