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These Measures are enacted in accordance with the Water Law, aiming to implement the water control idea of "giving priority to water conservation, spatial balance, systematic governance", strengthen the rigid constraints of water resources, strengthen unified control management, standardize conytol behavior and promote spatial balance. The Measures include Article 31 divided into five chapters: General Provisions; Water Resources Dispatching Scheme and Plan; Dispatching Implementation; Supervision and Management; Supplementary Provisions.
Water resources dispatching scheme and plan shall include dispatching start and end dates, annual water volume distribution, dispatching control elements, dispatching management responsibilities, dispatching early warning and annual dispatching objectives. In order to promote the smooth development of water resources dispatching, the Measures stipulate five dispatching implementation mechanisms - negotiation mechanism, coordination mechanism, early warning mechanism, ecological water replenishment dispatching mechanism and information sharing mechanism.
Administrative Measures for Water Resources Control.
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