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The Parties shall cooperate in the sphere of environmental protection and rational management of natural resources (art. 1). The cooperation shall include the study of hazardous environmental impact and the necessary arrangements for the protection thereof, improvement of environmental quality, and also ensuring rational and long-term management of natural resources (art. 2). The Parties shall covenant to promote exchange of information regarding the advanced environmental protection technologies, control equipment and new ecofriendly processes and methods (art. 3). The cooperation shall include the examination of the necessary arrangements for the reduction and prevention of pollution and the consequences thereof, rehabilitation, and other ecological problems of common interest (art. 4). The cooperation shall be carried out in the following forms: 1) exchange of scientific, technical information and research projects; 2) exchange of experts; 3) exchange of experience in the field of prevention of ecological disasters; 4) joint research and expeditions (art. 5).
The period of validity of the present Agreement shall be of ten years. The Agreement shall be automatically prolonged for subsequent five-year periods unless one of the Parties informs the other in writing six months in advance before the expiration of the of current period of validity of its intention to invalidate it.
Agreement between the Russian Federation and the Swiss Federal Council on cooperation in the sphere of environmental protection.
Russian Federation
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