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The Agriculture Medium Term Development Plan is a national policy with a cross-sectoral approach. The timeframe of the policy is 3 years covering the period from 2020 to 2022. The overall purpose of this policy is to enable agriculture sector that is responsive to international and domestic markets for a diverse range of products by 2022. The six key result areas for the agriculture sector are: increased revenue and wealth creation, quality infrastructure and utilities, sustainable social development, improved service delivery improved governance, and responsible sustainable development.
This Development Plan defines the policy directions and priority areas for investment within different sub-sectors in order to make a change in the lives of the people through increased revenue generation, improved food and nutrition security and poverty alleviation. The indicators and targets projected at 10% growth annually, reaching 30% by 2022. The agriculture logframe includes oil palm, coffee, cocoa, coconut, rubber, spice, livestock, fresh fruits and vegetables, rice and food security sub-sector logframes. In line with the current government s policy directive, the agriculture sector focuses on increasing cash crops, food and grain crops, fruits and vegetables, and livestock production by 10% annually at aggregate levels, reaching 30% at aggregate levels by 2022. It is also focusing on reducing food imports by increasing local production. Medium- and small-scale enterprises will be supported by giving them access to financial capital viable for domestic and international markets. Market access infrastructure will be developed, and local production volume of import commodities will be increased. The participation of women in agriculture will be promoted and supported. Agricultural research and development will be strengthened. Agricultural biosecurity and quarantine inspection will be strengthened, and disaster preparedness and response mechanisms will be developed. The policy and administrative support will be provided for improved performance of the agriculture sector in PNG. Palm oil production will be increased through equal participation of all stakeholders in the palm oil industry. The development of a sustainable and competitive coffee industry will be supported in order to maximize financial returns to coffee producers and to contribute to government s economic and social policy goals. Quality cocoa production will be increased and expanded for improving the livelihood of small-scale cocoa farmers and the economy of the nation. The entrepreneurial, prosperous, and healthy communities will be created through a dynamic, innovative and sustainable coconut industry. Rubber production will be revitalized with increase in participation of smallholders to support agriculture development for socio-economic growth and advancement in PNG. Spice and minor crop production will be promoted to increase income generating opportunities and as an alternative cash commodity. Domestic commercial rice production industry will be established in partnership with the private sector and small-scale farmers to reduce the volume of imported rice and meet growing demand. Livestock production will be boosted by reviving livestock farms. Commercially viable livestock industry will be strategically established and expanded to meet growing domestic demand in partnership with the private sector and rural farmers. The efficiency and productivity of farmers and others in the fresh produce value chain will be improved, including fruits, vegetables, nuts, grains, tuber crops and spices, in order to adequately meet and sustain the local market demands and decrease the dependency on imports. Agricultural development will be ensured to provide access to safe and nutrient food in sufficient quality and to improve and maintain a healthy and active life of all people in the country. Measures will be taken for safeguarding Papua New Guineans against food insecurity and hunger. Food production level will be increased to meet the demands of the growing population. In order to ensure food security and safety, investments and support will be increased in the agriculture and livestock sectors, the economy, and health and education, with a special emphasis on women and girls. Agro-food safety and Codex international food standards will be implemented to protect the health of consumers and facilitate trade in compliance with sanitary and phytosanitary measures.
Agriculture Medium Term Development Plan 2020 2022.
Papua New Guinea
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