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The Regulation determines the requirements for preparedness for a radiological emergency and actions in the event of such emergency. It applies to the following possible types of radiological emergency: (1) nuclear accident an event related to a nuclear reactor or of another nuclear- fuel- cycle facility, transport or storage of nuclear fuel which results in the exceeding of the ionising radiation dose limit specified by regulatory enactments as regards employees or residents and damage or damage hazard regardless of protection measures for reduction of damage; (2) emergency an event related to the production, usage, storage, disposal or transport of ionising radiation sources intended for agriculture, manufacturing, medicine, scientific research or generation of energy in space objects, which results in the exceeding of the ionising radiation dose limit and damage or hazard regardless of protection measures, or the level of ionising radiation exceeds the rates specified in Paragraph 3 of this Regulation; (3) accident release or spread of radioactive substances that causes radioactive pollution in an object, exceeding the permissible amount of radionuclides specified by regulatory enactments that may be spread into the environment within one year, but not exceeding the rates specified in Paragraph 3 of this Regulation; and (4) incident an event related to the release or spread of radioactive substances that causes radioactive pollution in an object, but does not create a significant release or spread of radioactive substances.
Cabinet Regulation No. 152 of 2003 on Requirements for Preparedness for Radiological Emergency and Actions in the Event of Such Emergency
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