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This Ordinance implements the Federal Act on Footpaths and Hiking Trails, and the Federal Council's Regulation on Footpaths and Hiking Trails (FWV) of November 26, 1986. The text provides for consideration of the needs of nature and landscape, as well as agriculture and forestry for implementing footpaths and hiking trail legislation by local authorities. The Ordinance prescribes that the footpaths and hiking trails are freely accessible; where necessary, appropriate rights must be acquired for the use of paths that pass through private land. The footpath network should include connections between residential areas, schools, public transport stops, and central public and private facilities with public access. The text consists of 15 Articles divided into 5 Parts and among others refer to assignments of tasks, planning, and maintenance.
Consolidated version of the Ordinance as of 01 January 2022.
Cantonal Regulation on Footpaths and Hiking Trails (759.111).
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