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The Act Act is organized in six Parts. Under the Act circular economy means an economic model and policies and practices which give effect to that model in which (a) production and distribution processes in respect of goods, products and materials are designed so as to minimize the consumption of raw materials associated with the production and use of those goods, products and materials, (b) the delivery of services is designed so as to reduce the consumption of raw materials, (c) goods, products and materials are kept in use for as long as possible thereby further reducing the consumption of raw materials and impacts harmful to the environment, (d) the maximum economic value is extracted from goods, products, and materials by the persons using them, and (e) goods, products and materials are recovered and regenerated at the end of their useful life.
Part 2 contains provisions relating to the circular economy. Firstly establishes that the Minister shall, prepare and submit to the Government for approval a circular economy strategy setting out the policy, objectives and priorities. The Part continues making recommendations on what existing government Plans the Minister shall take into account in preparing the Strategy (E.g. Waste Action Plan for a Circular Economy; the climate action plan; the National Biodiversity Action Plan; the National Policy Statement on the Bioeconomy, etc.) and what sectoral targets to consider (e.g. agriculture; packaging; etc,.). A Circular Economy Fund shall also be established and the Environment Fund money shall be transferred to the new fund. Moreover the Environmental Protection Agency shall establish a circular economy programme setting out measures to be taken by the Agency, including measures in respect of reporting and the provision of funding and education, to give effect to the objectives set out in the circular economy strategy.
Furthermore, the Minister may make regulations providing for an environmental levy in respect of the supply to a customer of a single-use cups, single-use containers, single-use packaging; or the supply to a customer of plastic bags in a supermarket, a service station, etc. The Act specifies that the payment of environmental levy shall be made by the person who carries on the business of selling goods or products and provides for the discipline. Also offences are regulated. Section 14 establishes that the Minister may make regulations prohibiting the supply in the State of any or all of the following: single-use cups; single-use containers; single-use packaging; plastic bags.
Under section 15 the Minister shall prepare and submit to the Government for approval the first "national food waste prevention roadmap and in this section referred to as the national food waste prevention strategy setting out the policy, objectives and priorities for the Government. In preparing the national food waste prevention strategy, the Minister shall take the following into account: the Circular Economy Strategy; the climate action plan; the National Biodiversity Action Plan; the National Policy Statement on the Bioeconomy; the National Disability Inclusion Strategy; the Roadmap for Social Inclusion; the Programme for Government; the European Union Farm to Fork Strategy; Food Vision 2030 Strategy; the law of the European Union; United Nations Sustainable Development Goals.
The Act continues making several amendments to a series of Acts. Part 3 amends the Waste Management Act 1996. Amendments include: operation of recording devices; code of practice to set standards in relation to section 14A and 14B; a new section 73A is inserted and disciplines a Waste recovery levy; new section 75 give powers to the Minister to make regulations in respect of end-of-waste and by-products processes. Part 4 amends the Litter Pollution Act 1997; Part 5 the Minerals Development Act 1940 and Minerals Development Act 2017; Part 6 amends the Environmental Protection Agency Act 1992; Part 7 amends the Electricity Regulation Act 1999. A
Circular Economy and Miscellaneous Provisions Act 2022.
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