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The purpose of this Law is to promote cleaner production, raise the efficiency of utilization of resources, reduce and avoid the generation of pollutants, protect and improve environment, protect human health, and promote the sustainable development of economy and society. The Law consists of 40 Articles divided into 6 Chapters: General Provisions (I); Promotion of Cleaner Production (II); Implementation of Cleaner Production (III); Incentives (IV); Legal Liability (V); Supplementary Provisions(VI).
The state encourages and promotes cleaner production. The State Council and the local people's governments at and above the county level shall include cleaner production promotion in the national economic and social development plans and annual plans as well as the environmental protection, resource utilization, industry development, regional development, and other plans. The State Council shall formulate financial and taxation policies facilitating the implementation of cleaner production. Provisions are made for the improvement of the utilization, production, implementation of processes, technologies and equipment of clean energy and raw material in order to reduce pollution, improve the efficiency of resource utilization, limit prevent or avoid pollution and polluting discharge in the course of production. This goal shall be achieved with the utilization of toxin-free, non-hazardous or low-toxin and low-harm raw materials and recycling waste products, waste water and heat generated from production procedures. Furthermore selecting toxin-free, non-hazardous, easily degraded and easily recycled products and packaging adopting a clear labelling etiquette; chemical fertilizers, pesticides, feed additive and other compounds used in agricultural development and plant and animal production must be produced and used accordingly improve these productions in terms of high-quality, non-hazardous agricultural products and food, and recycle agricultural wastes preventing and controlling agricultural environmental pollution. Inspection and audits shall be conducted extensively to ensure compliance with these provisions.
Cleaner Production Promotion Law (2012).
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