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France and Switzerland agree to collaborate closely against pollution the waters of Lake Geneva and of its outlet up to the point where the latter leaves Swiss territory, including the surface and ground waters of the affluents in so far as such affluents contribute to the pollution of the waters of Lake Geneva and of its outlet. The Parties establish an International Commission for the Protection of the Waters of Lake Geneva against Pollution, which shall (a) organize and cause to be carried out all such investigations as are necessary in order to determine the nature, extent and sources of pollution, and shall utilize the results of the said investigations; (b) recommend to the Contracting Governments action to deal with existing pollution and to prevent any future pollution. It also may (a) draft the material for international regulations relating to cleanness of the waters of Lake Geneva; (b) consider any other questions relating to pollution of the waters. The Parties shall follow-up on recommendations of the Commission.
This text also contains the Exchange of letters constituting an agreement between France and Switzerland on the implementation of the convention of 1972.
Convention concerning protection of the waters of Lake Geneva against pollution, 1961.
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