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This Law provides principles, policies, rules and measures on export-import, transit and movement of goods within the Lao People s Democratic Republic with a view to encouraging investments, protecting legitimate benefits in the fields of social, economic and national security, international integration, ensuring revenue collection for the state budget and contributing to national social and economic development.
Controlled goods are goods under the control of the Customs Administration that are defined in the relevant laws and regulations for reasons of national security, sanitation, phyto-sanitation, environmental protection and others. Exportation, importation, transit and movement of controlled goods shall be authorized by the Government or concerned State authorities as prescribed by laws and regulations (art. 30). In order to promote investment and support production according to Government policy, the exportation-importation of goods are subject to exemption or reduction of customs duties and other obligations based on the Law on Investment Promotion (art. 60). The Law further makes provisions for: classification of goods, customs risk management, customs inspection, intellectual property rights protection measures, transportation of goods across international borders, etc.
Custom Law No. 04/NA.
Lao People’s Democratic Republic
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