This Regulation shall apply to the payment entitlements related to the ewe and suckler cow premium for single area payments financed by the European Agricultural Guarantee Fund. The upper limit of individual aid for the farmer shall be determined by the Hungarian State Treasury in its decision on certain issues related to the application of the national supplementary payments related to the single area payment. In order to determine the eligibility of the payment entitlement and the utilization of the national support ceiling, a register shall be maintained. The Treasury is responsible for the operation of the register and the official tasks arising from its operation. A national reserve shall be established from the national support ceiling. The Ministry of Agriculture shall make a proposal to the Minister of Rural Development no later than 15 November, to change the level of the national reserve.
Decre No. 82 of 2005 (IX. 15.) FVM of the Ministry of Rural Development concerning entitlements to animal headage payment.
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