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The present Decree approves the Regulation on the characteristics and specifications of the establishments that provide food and beverages. The Regulation (which is enclosed in the Decree) applies to the activities carried out by establishments open to the public which preeminently sell food and drink (cases of exclusion are further specified), for in place consumption or take away. The Regulation delimits what they can offer and the requirements that facilities must comply with in order to ensure a safe environment for people and the respect for the environment.
The Regulations also provides rules for the use of commercial names and establishment signs ad classifies the establishments, all to be considered as establishments of public concurrence, as restaurants, bars or bar restaurants and, for the case that they are nightlife establishments,as nightclub, pub, party room or ballroom, according to their characteristics and the definitions set out in Article 2. The outbuildings, such as terraces or gardens have to further comply with acoustics pollution regulations.
Irrespective of the type of establishment, they all have to comply with the provisions of this Regulation and the regulations on trade concerning health, environment, accessibility and industrial safety.
Decree 176/2022, of 27-4-2022, approving the Regulations for the characteristics and specifications of establishments that supply food and beverages.
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