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This Decree-Law approves the the Customs Code of Timor-Leste. The Code, consisting of 116 articles divided into 17 Titles, regulates all requirements related to trade. This Code, the provisions to be adopted for its regulation and other norms that regulate the customs activity constitute the applicable customs legislation governing: a) the customs territory of Timor-Leste; b) Timor-Leste's trade with other countries. Those goods originating in a country are considered to be: a) Mineral products extracted from the soil or subsoil of that country; b) Vegetable products grown there; c) live animals born and raised there, including hunting, fishing and fish products; d) Products of sea fishing and other products extracted from the sea, outside the territorial sea of any country, by vessels registered in a country and flying their flag; e) Goods obtained on board factory ships, provided that these factory ships are registered in a country and fly their flag; f) Products extracted from the soil or the marine subsoil located outside the territorial sea, provided that the country exercises, for the purposes of exploration, exclusive rights over this soil or subsoil; g) Residues and waste resulting from manufacturing operations and articles and products that are no longer used, provided that they have been collected and serve only for the recovery of raw materials; etc.
Decree-Law No. 11/2004 approving the Customs Code of Timor-Leste.
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