This Decree-Law, consisting of 68 articles divided into six Chapters and two Annexes, regulates the Downstream Sector. It aims to establish the rules applicable to the exercise of Downstream Activities in the Territory of Timor-Leste, the powers and competences of the ANP in this regard, the duties of the Licensees and the rules and procedures applicable for offences and penalties resulting from the violation of related rules. Whenever the complexity and importance for the national economy of Timor-Leste justifies it, the Government may determine the subjection of certain downstream projects to special legislation, to be approved on a case-by-case basis, but always with respect for the general principles contained in this legislation. The Downstream Activities are governed by the following general principles: a) Prior licensing by the ANP; b) Increased participation of Timor-Leste; c) Technical and economic capacity of Licensees; d) Freedom of access to Downstream Activities and participation in competitions for the attribution of the respective licenses; e) Neutrality and non-discrimination between Licensees and applicants for a Licence; f) Access to non-confidential information; g) Inspection by the ANP; h) Respect for applicable rules and Technical Requirements and for administrative and informational duties; i) Personal and financial responsibility in case of violation of rules and obligations; j) Universal and stable availability of Fuels and lubricants throughout the Territory of Timor-Leste; k) Respect for the Technical Specifications of Quality of Fuels and Lubricants.
Decree-Law No. 1/2012 on the Downstream Sector.
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