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This Decree-Law amends Decree-Law No. 113/2013 implementing EU Directive No. 2010/63 on animal protection for scientific purposes. Amendments establish that animals must be slaughtered at the establishment of the breeder, supplier or user, by a competent person. The DGAV, having obtained a favorable opinion from ICNF, I.P., according to the applicable legal regimes, may grant exemptions on the basis of scientific justification. The DGAV may adopt an interim measure to allow the use of non - human primates for the purposes of Article 8 (a) (i) if scientifically justified. It is necessary to identify a person responsible for the supervision of animal welfare and care in accordance with Article 32. Breeders, suppliers and users shall designate a veterinary surgeon specialized in laboratory animal medicine or a suitably qualified expert, providing advice on animal welfare and treatment.
Decree-Law No. 1/2019 amending Decree-Law No. 113/2013 implementing EU Directive No. 2010/63 on animal protection for scientific purposes.
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