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This Decree-Law, consisting of 42 articles divided into six Chapters, establishes the Conditional Cash Transfer Programme "Bolsa da M e", launched in March 2008 by the Government of Timor-Leste, together with United Nations agencies (UNDP, UNFPA, UNICEF, UNIFEM and IOM). This programme enables poor households headed by women to address hardships by providing cash benefits on the condition that the identified child attends and successfully completes each level of schooling. Other beneficiaries of the programme are: Single mothers; Widows; and Orphans. The cash transfer varies according to the family structure. The Programme is aimed at benefitting households, in situations of economic and social vulnerability, with dependent children. In addition, it aims to reduce poverty, promote compulsory basic education attendance and access to primary health care. The allocation of subsidies is governed by the principles of universality, solidarity, social equity, positive differentiation, subsidiarity, social inclusion, participation, protection of acquired rights and rights in training, information, equality and proportionality, justice and impartiality, good faith, decision-making, access to justice and legal certainty.
Decree-Law No. 18/2012 establishing the Conditional Cash Transfer Programme "Bolsa da M e".
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