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This Decree-Law, consisting of 47 articles divided into three Chapters and one Annex, creates the National Authority for Electricity and approves the respective Statutes (called ANE, I.P.). The ANE, I.P., integrated in the indirect administration of the State, is a legal person with administrative autonomy, financial autonomy and its own assets. ANE, I.P. aims to propose, monitor and ensure the implementation of the national energy sector policy, ensuring the regulation and inspection of the production, transportation, distribution, commercialization and use of electricity in the National Electricity System, as well as the national standardization for components and electrical installations.
The Authority also carries out the following duties: a) Supervision and monitoring of production, transportation, distribution and sale of electricity in the National Electricity System; b) Proposal to the Government of the activities of production, transportation, distribution and commercialization of electric energy; c) Proposal to the Government of licensing and commercial relationship between systems and agents in the electricity sector; d) Promotion of the efficient use of electric energy; e) Contribution to the improvement of the technical, economic and environmental conditions of operation of the means to be used in the production, transport, distribution and sale of electric energy; f) Protection of the interests of consumers in relation to the quality of electricity supply and tariffs; g) Proposal to the Government of the creation and updating of tariffs, fees and emoluments related to the supply of electricity, etc.
Decree-Law No. 40/2020 creating the National Authority for Electricity and approves the respective Statutes.
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