This Decree-Law defines the legal framework for the protection and conservation of biodiversity, completing the provisions of the National System of Protected Areas, approved by Decree-Law No. 5/2016 of 16 March and implementing the Basic Law for the Environment, approved by Decree-Law No. 26/2012 of 4 July, in which the State expressly mandates the adoption of necessary measures for the protection and conservation of species, habitats and ecosystems. It is applicable to existing biodiversity in national territory and in waters under national jurisdiction, namely the territorial sea, exclusive economic zone and continental shelf; as well as to all processes and activities carried out under the jurisdiction and control of East Timor with direct or indirect effects on biodiversity. It aims to promote the conservation of biodiversity and the sustainable use of its resources and the fair and equitable sharing of benefits generated from genetic resources, as fundamental bases for family subsistence, food security and well-being for current and future generations. It regulates the competent entities, planning and monitoring, in situ conservation and protection of ecosystems, habitats and species, threats to biodiversity, genetic resources and traditional knowledge, environmental assessment, scientific research, information and communication, the instruments and economic incentives and the inspection and resolution of disputes, and establishing the sanctioning regime.
Decree-Law No. 6/2020 establishing the Legal Regime for the protection and conservation of biodiversity.
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