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This Decree-Law, consisting of 47 articles divided into six Chapters and three Annexes, implements in the national legislation the EU Regulation No. 1143/2014, on the control, detention, introduction into nature and repopulation of exotic species of flora and fauna, covering all alien species as well as invasive species identified. The legal regime shall not apply to the introduction in the nature, possession or use of the following organisms: a) genetically modified organisms; b) pathogenic organisms that may cause animal or human diseases; c) organisms harmful to plants and plant products; d) micro-organisms manufactured or imported for use in plant protection products; e) micro-organisms manufactured or imported for use in biocidal products already authorized in the European Union; f) organisms used as auxiliaries in the biological fight; g) harmful aquatic organisms and pathogens; h) agricultural, horticultural, fruit-growing and wine-growing species when included in official or common catalogs of varieties of these species.
Decree-Law No. 92/2019 implementing in the national legislation the EU Regulation No. 1143/2014, on the control, detention, introduction into nature and repopulation of exotic species of flora and fauna.
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