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This Decree-Law establishes the legal framework for the rules of origin and the issuance of certificates of origin. It applies to the national territory of Timor-Leste and to trade agreements to which Timor-Leste is a party. The rules of origin are the set of norms and procedures used by States in specifying the criteria to qualify goods as originating in a given country. Goods wholly obtained in a country are considered to be: a) Mineral products extracted in that country; b) The products of the plant kingdom harvested therein; c) Live animals born and bred therein; d) Products obtained from live animals reared therein; e) Hunting and fishing products carried out therein; f) Sea fishing products and other products extracted from the sea, outside the territorial sea of any country, by ships registered or registered in that country and flying its flag; g) Goods obtained on board factory ships from products referred to in paragraph f) originating in that country, provided that these factory ships are registered or registered in that country and fly its flag; h) Products extracted from marine soil or subsoil located outside the territorial sea, provided that that country exercises, for the purposes of exploitation, exclusive rights over that soil or subsoil; i) Waste resulting from manufacturing operations and out-of-use items, subject to having been collected there and used only for the recovery of raw materials; j) Those that are obtained exclusively from the goods referred to in subparagraphs a) to i) or their derivatives, whatever their stage of manufacture.
Decree-Law No. 95/2022 on the General regime regulating norms of origin.
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