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This regulation, consisting of 9 sections and two Annexes, establishes veterinary tasks for zoonosis control. It regulates the tasks of food chain monitoring bodies entitled to prevent, combat, spread and prevent zoonotic diseases from animals to humans or from animals to animals. The zoonosis occurring in the animals shall be investigated by veterinary and laboratory system with national or regional competence, belonging to the veterinary service supervised by the Minister of Agriculture. Their task, taking into account the provisions of separate legislation, is to detect, identify and characterize the zoonotic agent. All bacteria, viruses, fungi, parasites, or other agents (pathological prions) that may cause zoonosis are considered to be zoonotic agents. The Food Chain Inspectorate is entitled to take samples of the zoonotic agent without prior notification as required by specific legislation. During the sampling procedure, the species, type, origin of the animal (herd) or animal product, the quantity of the material and the method used must be recorded.
Decree of the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development No. 81 of 2002 (IX. 4.) FVM on veterinary tasks for zoonosis control.
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