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This Decree provides for general requirements for the preparation of soil protection plans. Soil protection plan for the determination of soil protection requirements related to the agricultural activities or interventions on arable land listed and investments and activities involving or affecting the use of arable land is required in the following cases: a) for the improvement of acidic, saline and sandy soils; b) for landscaping for agricultural purposes; c) the planting of vines, fruit, berries or, where the law so provides, other plantations; d) in order to save the humus layer during the implementation of activities with an area of more than 1000 m 2 , which do not constitute an investment , or which involve an area requirement of more than 400 m 2 , which involves a permanent change in the soil level; e) for reclamation and recycling enabling utilization for agricultural purposes; f) for irrigation; (g) the use of slurry on arable land, with the exception of other organic manure from livestock; h) for the agricultural use of sewage and sewage sludge; i) water management of agricultural areas; j) for the use of non-hazardous non-hazardous waste on agricultural land; (k) for the implementation of technical soil protection interventions against erosion.
Consolidated version as last amended by Decree No. 3/2013. (II. 1.).
Decree of the Ministry of Agriculture No. 90/2008. (VII. 18.) on detailed rules for drawing up the soil protection plan.
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