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This Decree establishes the priority field of activity of State Joint Stock Insurance Company "Uzagrosugurta" provision of insurance protection for property interests of agricultural producers, enterprises and the population living in rural areas. Sequence of operations for risk insurance of agricultural enterprises for default bank loans: (a) agricultural enterprise submits an application to the bank for a loan with application of a feasibility study for the use of received loan; (b) bank draws up a loan agreement with the agricultural enterprise, and also liquid property pledge agreement, state registration of which is carried out in the Ministry of Justice of the Republic of Karakalpakstan, Department of Justice of regional self-government; (c) agricultural enterprise transfers to the insurance department of Uzagrosugurta company package of documents (loan agreement, balance sheet for the previous period, agreements, contracts for use of the loan amount, etc.); (d) the branch of the insurance company "Uzagrosugurta" considers loan agreement, studies the purpose of using the loan, financial state of the agricultural enterprise in accordance with its statute and draws up a risk insurance agreement with the agricultural enterprise related to non-repayment of a bank loan, as well as an insurance contract for a pledged property; (e) on the basis of an insurance contract, an agricultural enterprise transfers to the account of the branch of the insurance company "Uzagrosugurta" the amount of calculated insurance premiums; if the agricultural enterprise does not have the funds to the day the insurance contract is concluded, the bank withholds from the loan amount calculated insurance payments and transfers them within three days to company branch account; (f) a branch of the insurance company "Uzagrosugurta" issues an insurance policy for an agricultural enterprise, as well as a conclusion on the project, subject to crediting. (g) bank issues a loan to the agricultural enterprise; (h) in case of non-repayment of the loan or part of it, the bank and the agricultural enterprise submit to the branch of the insurance company "Uzagrosugurta" message about the occurrence of an insured event; and (i) the bank forecloses on the pledged property.
Decree No. 125 of the Cabinet of Ministers validating the Regulation on the activities of the state insurance company "UZAGROSUGURTA".
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