This Decree of the Cabinet of Ministers, for the purpose of further development of horse-breeding, in particular breeding of sporting horses, ensuring participation of sporting horses at international exhibitions, sport competitions, control of epizootic stability, as well as creation of national and international horse certificates for pedigree and sporting horses, validates Regulation on the procedure for issuance of "Horse s Certificate" for pure-bred and sporting horses according to the Annex 1. Participation of pure-bred and sporting horses at auctions, exhibitions, national and classical equestrian games, sporting events, as well as the use of horses as service horses shall be authorized in the presence of Horse s Certificate. Equestrian Federation of Uzbekistan shall be responsible for the creation of database of pure-bred and sporting horses and issuance of Horse s Certificate for pure-bred and sporting horses. Horse s Certificate shall be issued according to the scheme contained in the Annex 2. In order to obtain Horse s Certificate horse-owner must submit to the Equestrian Federation of Uzbekistan application containing the following information: (a) graphic representation of horse; (b) horse body size; (c) horse origin and pedigree (basic zootechnical documents); and (d) 7 photos of horse (right side, left side, upper eye level, muzzle, forelegs, hind legs front view and hind view).
Decree No. 214 of the Cabinet of Ministers validating the Regulation on the procedure for issuance Horse s Certificate for pedigree and sporting horses.
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