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The Cabinet of Ministers decrees to set up National Gene Bank to improve services in the field, as well as to introduce technology for storage and protection of domestic and foreign agricultural plant species in genetic banks, taking into account international standards for plant genetic resources. The main directions of reforming the system of testing services for agricultural crop (plant) varieties shall be identified as follows: (a) bringing the testing of crop (plant) varieties and hybrids of agricultural crops, fruit and ornamental seedlings to the level of international standards, improving the services provided in the field of testing of agricultural crop (plant) varieties; (b) examination of patentability of selection achievements of agricultural crops; (c) introduction of resource-saving and innovative technologies in the testing of agricultural crop (plant) varieties; (d) increase of the efficiency of use of land resources allocated for testing stations and plots of agricultural crops; (e) strengthening the material and technical base of laboratories for quality analysis of agricultural crop (plant) varieties and testing stations and plots under agricultural crop (plant) varieties, creating favorable conditions for attracting highly qualified personnel to agricultural sector; and (f) establishing cooperation with relevant international organizations in the field.
Decree No. 282 of the Cabinet of Ministers On improvement of the functioning of the Center for testing of agricultural crops and setting up the National genetic bank of agricultural crops.
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