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This Decree, pursuant to Lao Legislation, concerns the principles and measures regarding the management and monitoring of lunches prepared in pre-school and general education facilities, in order to make the implementation of such work uniform, efficient and effective, and to provide students with good quality food and improve their nutrition. The Decree applies to individuals, legal entities and organisations both in the public and private sectors active in the promotion of school lunches at pre-school and general education facilities, and defines: principles related to the promotion of lunch in schools; conditions of public schools to be promoted for lunch programme, including schools located in rural or underdeveloped areas, areas where children and students are malnourished; selection of targets to promote school lunch programmes; elaboration of school lunch promotion plans; funding sources; general prohibitions, including: distribution of unsafe or infected food or food unsuitable for children s health; use of cooking equipments, vegetables, fish and meat not in compliance with nutritional principles; management and inspection of school lunch promotion programmes; powers and duties of institutions and authorities; awards for outstanding persons and sanctions against offenders.
Decree no. 283/GM on the promotion of school meals.
Lao People’s Democratic Republic
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