This Decree of the Cabinet of Ministers establishes the procedure for the improvement of the efficiency of the use of land plots of dehkan (peasant) farms and smallholdings. The Cabinet of Ministers, with a view of enhancement of tillage (farming practices), distribution of agricultural crops with the consideration of soil-climatic conditions and agricultural specialization of each area, decrees as follows: (a) to distribute agricultural crops among dehkan (peasant) farms in accordance with Annex 1 (1.1-1.13); (b) to calculate the required amount of seeds, mineraal fertilizers, fuel and lubricants for the period of 2019 in accordance with the Annex 4; (c) to supply farmers with mineral fertilizers, fuels and lubricants in accordance with the established procedure for agricultural production; and (d) to entitle associations of farmers, jointly with the regional government and local government, to regularly monitor cultivation of crops on dehkan farms and household plots and submit the information to the Cabinet of Ministers.
Decree No. 324 of the Cabinet of Ministers On measures to improve the efficiency of the use of land plots of dehkan (peasant) farms and smallholdings.
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