Administrative Regulation on the provision of state services related to licensing of veterinary activity regards licensing of veterinary activities, termination of license, cancellation and re-issuance of license to natural and legal persons for the provision of veterinary activities. Licensing terms and conditions: (a) compliance with the requirements and technical rules regulating veterinary activities; (b) following instructions with a view preventing damages; (c) education and professional training in the field of veterinary medicine; (d) trade of veterinary drugs and feed additives; and (e) authorization for the performance of professional activity. For issuance of license the applicant must submit the following documentation: (a) application in accordance with the form contained in the Annex 2; (b) for legal entities status of juridical person, legal address and bank account details; for natural persons personal identification data and residence address; and (c) certificate of individual entrepreneur.
Decree No. 328 of the Cabinet of Ministers validating Administrative Regulation on the provision of state services related to licensing of veterinary activity.
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