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This Decree determines the procedure for formation of electronic technical passports on assessment of seismic resistance of the buildings and constructions located in all territory of the country. Unified integrated platform of electronic technical passports includes buildings and structures located in all regions of the country, as well as electronic technical passports of residential (apartment) buildings and shall be regularly updated. Electronic technical passport - an electronic document containing the necessary information on the state of seismic stability of buildings and structures. Formation of electronic technical passports includes systematic collection, processing and analysis of information on the seismic resistance of buildings and structures, as well as apartment buildings. The generated electronic technical passports are used to study the seismic strength of buildings and structures, as well as residential multi-apartment houses in the presence of a seismic hazard forecast, to prepare for an expected earthquake and to mitigate its consequences. The tasks of formation of electronic technical passports are: (a) organization of regular visual and instrumental-technical inspections of buildings and structures located in all regions of the country, as well as in residential (apartment) buildings; (b) conducting research on the seismic strength of buildings and structures, including the construction and operation of buildings and structures in seismic areas, as well as monitoring of damage to buildings and structures after the earthquake; (c) collection of information on seismically weak buildings and structures, as well as residential multi-apartment houses, implementation of appropriate measures to ensure their seismic stability; and (d) prevention of damage to buildings and structures as a result of the earthquake, as well as residential multi-apartment houses, determination of the level of possible damage to their equipment, engineering and communication networks.
Decree No. 405 of the Cabinet of Ministers On the implementation of the system for assessing the seismic resistance of buildings and structures and formation of electronic technical passports.
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