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This Administrative Regulation establishes the procedure and criteria for allotment of land for permanent land tenure for state and public needs, envisaging, inter alia, expropriation of land from land owners for the aforesaid purposes by the competent authorities and payment of compensation therefor. It also establishes the criteria for transfer of land plots to the category of land destined for state and public needs. State and public needs entailing expropriation of land plots include: (a) exploration and mining activities; (b) construction of highways and railways, airports, airfields, aeronautical facilities and aircraft centers; (c) construction of power systems and power transmission lines; (d) space activities; and (e) laying communication networks. Plots of agricultural land shall not be allotted for state and public needs. If a land plot subject to allotment for state and public needs pertains to the category of agricultural land, its transfer to other land category shall be determined in accordance with the procedure established by Land Code.
Decree No. 543 of the Cabinet of Ministers validating Administrative Regulation for allotment of land for permanent land tenure for state and public needs.
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