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The Council of Ministers, with a view of creating favorable conditions for the efficient use of land plots destined for horticulture, entitles Council of Farmers, Dehkan Farms and Landowners of Uzbekistan and Farmers, Dehkan Farms and Landowners Support LLC founded by a support fund National Center for Horticultural Development with the following tasks: (a) scientific and innovative activities in the field of horticulture through the effective organization of land plots allotted to the population to help achieve a yield of at least 3 times higher per annum; (b) landowners, farmers, dehkan farms, "Land Service", LLC workers and members of agricultural cooperatives, rural and other specialists in the field of economy and the unemployed population when necessary, attract highly qualified local and foreign experts for training and retraining in the field of horticulture by means of organization of courses; (c) application of advanced science and practice achievements of our country and the world experience in the field of nursery, seed and breeding, including widespread introduction of drip irrigation, alternative energy use, ponds for fishfarming on backyard plots for more efficient use of household land plots; (d) provision of landowners with quality seeds and seedlings as well as providing them with agricultural services in the field of gardening and horticulture; (e) cultivation of agricultural crops and provision of extension services; and (f) employment of students in agriculture for on-the-job training and assistance in agricultural research. The Center will be funded by the statutory fund.
Decree No. 798 of the Cabinet of Ministers On additional measures for the development of household land in the Tashkent region.
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